our company

AsianHandicapper is a site fully owned and manage by a company registered in Macau. Our company consists of total 70 staff right now. We have total 6 teams right now, accounting, customer support, online specialist, odds observer, insider relationship and top management. Every team have an important task in the company just to make www.AsianHandicapper the top online sports tipster.

In our company, we not only equip an advance computerized and statistical system to assist us in soccer-match forecasting we have 14 people in insider relationship team just to maintain our good networking with major controller in soccer sports underground so that we can provide the 1st hand exclusive betting tips.

We treat ourselves as a professional of soccer forecasters. We are proud of our service for you. Furthermore, we would like to share our winning happiness with you together. If you believe in our long-term accurate pick, and it could assist you gaining a great number of funds, join us today.


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